Learn About Our Distinctives
Students will be living and serving along other believers, making lifelong memories and lasting friendships.
Students will be serving in various roles within our campus’ hospitality services; from our kitchen and dinning hall crews to our housekeeping and maintenance departments.
Students will engage in several weekly studies and small groups to encourage their personal walks as disciples of Christ.
An eight-week summer ministry program for teenage students and college-age adults seeking to grow their faith, serve in ministry, and make lifelong memories. THE WAY Summer Program seeks to grow a believer’s relationship with God as they obey the lifelong call to discipleship.
Summers At LeTourneau
Having a strong Christian community brings great joy to our summers. In addition to investing the summer in follow Jesus, we make it an essential part of the summer that students also have adequate time to rest, swim, and enjoy themselves. We play everything from paintball to archery tag and ultimate frisbee! We also enjoy our Monday activity nights where we have cardboard boat races, a wild goose chase through town, and Grimes Glen hikes.

This is a program about following Jesus! We have regularly scheduled teachings on the Bible, prayer meetings and cabin devotionals, along with numerous other opportunities for fellowship and growth. The God-focused environment at LeTourneau will provide students with the nourishment and challenge that they need to grow in Christ!

All students will act as staff members in a designated department on camp and will cultivate an invaluable Christian work ethic while gaining new skills. Students can serve in various roles such as a counselor in our summer camps, kitchen staff, dining hall, maintenance and grounds, lifeguarding, waterfront management, outdoor recreation, housekeeping, and more.
Roles and Opportunities
To join us this summer, each student must fill out an application and commit to eight weeks of missional-minded ministry. However, starting in the 2023 year we are giving students who are 14 years of age the option to commit to a four-week program during the month of July. Once the application is collected, it will then be reviewed, and students may be offered one of the limited number of volunteer or paid positions. Accepted students must participate in our weekend training scheduled in June prior to committing for the entire summer. Applications can be accessed online through the link below.
Summer Staff
Job Description:
The vast majority of our applicants are summer staff, meaning they serve in any department across campus from our maintenance team to the dining hall and occasionally in our summer camps. Students participate in all aspects of camp from serving our weekly guests, bonding as a summer staff, growing in our knowledge of the scripture, and enjoying camp life.
– Must be at least 14
– No previous camp experience required
Job Responsibilities:
– Must commit to at least 4 weeks of service
– Learn to serve in one’s assigned department
– Participate in all devotions, evening teachings, and weekly staff nights (including our cardboard boat race, talent show, and many others!)
Job Description:
Counselors will act as primary team leaders for groups of 8-10 summer campers. They will lead teams throughout the summer Monday through Friday.
– Must be at least 17
– Prior camp experience is preferred
– Minimum commitment of at least six weeks throughout the summer
– Willingness to earn a lifeguarding certification is preferred
– Must attend summer camp training weekend unless there are extenuating circumstances such as school conflicts or long distance.
Job Responsibilities:
– Lifeguarding
– Lead activities
– Primary Team Leader
– Lead small groups
– Fielding activity and agenda questions
– Responsible for safety and children on your team
Summer Intern
Job Description:
Summer interns will be responsible for numerous parts of LeTourneau’s summer ministry season. Working primarily in our summer camp, interns will take primary leadership roles in planning and leading our daily activities as well as training counselors and CITs. Tasks for interns may include directing counselors to gather materials for activities, lead debriefing and prayer meetings, and teaching daily devotions as well as assisting the Discipleship Coordinator with leading THE WAY Summer Program Staff.
– Must be at least 18
– Prior camp experience strongly preferred
– Strong leadership skills
– Strong organizational skills
– Must be able to attend staff training weekend
Job Responsibilities:
– 40 or more hours a week
– Primary activity leads
– Lead teams if needed
– Must be willing to learn and lead
– Primary summer staff cabin leaders
– Assist the Discipleship Coordinator and Program Director with Summer Camp and THE WAY Program planning
Raising Support
Since we offer THE WAY Summer Discipleship Program completely free to our students and provide them with a small weekly stipend, we do ask that each student raise support by sending out 20 letters and praying for God’s provision (please see an example of support letters in the application – camp will mail the letters at no cost to the students). The goal for each student is to raise $175 a week. These funds will help to pay for the students’ financial stipend, meals, lodging, training, discipleship materials, and special activities each week. Those unable to raise the $175 will still be invited to camp!
To guarantee every student has the opportunity to participate in THE WAY program, LeTourneau has established the Avis & Gerri Fund, which is funded by LeTourneau supporters. For those not requesting financial compensation, we do accept volunteers. For more information about volunteering for the summer, or at any other time of the year please see our volunteering page!
A Look At Previous Summers at LeTourneau
Summer 2022
Summer 2023
Summer 2024
Frequently Asked Questions
Do students in THE WAY Summer Program receive any financial compensation?
Since we offer THE WAY Summer Discipleship Program completely free, we do ask that each student raise support by sending out 20 letters and praying for God’s provision (please see an example of support letters in the application – camp will mail the letters at no cost to the students). Our students are given a small stipend if they send out support letters to 20 people. The stipend amount will vary based upon age, prior experience in camp ministry and position during the summer. The goal for each student is to raise $175 a week. These funds will help to pay for the financial stipend, meals, lodging, training, discipleship materials, and special activities each week. Those unable to raise the $175 will still be invited to camp!
Where do summer students serve?
Students serve on campus in a variety of jobs. Some of the jobs that students will serve in are kid’s camp, kitchen staff, dining hall, maintenance and grounds, lifeguarding, waterfront management, outdoor recreation, and more! If you have skills that you think would be best applied to a specific location, then please indicate that on your application.
What is an average day like for a student in THE WAY Summer Program?
Students in our program work beside us as co-laborer’s, beginning their day with breakfast at 7AM and a morning staff meeting and devotional. After we address the needs for the day, students will head into their department to serve for the work day. During the evenings, we will have activity nights, devotionals, and other time to be free and rest! With that said, the schedule changes regularly during the summer so students’ official days off each week will be determined that specific week.
When does THE WAY Summer Program begin and end?
THE WAY Summer Program is an eight week program that runs from late June to early August every year. A four week commitment is available for 14 year olds only.
How old do I have to be to apply?
To live on campus and serve at LeTourneau, students must be at least 14 years old. For financial compensation, students must also have a work permit in accordance with THE WAY summer application. Applicants 18 years and older are equally as welcome as there are a number of jobs that require that age limit, so don’t hesitate to apply!
Do students get any days off?
Yes! Students get regularly scheduled days off each week although the specific date (whether it is Friday, Saturday, or some other day) is subject to change and will be determined by their age.
Where do students in THE WAY Program live?
All of our students live on campus in cabins with designated cabin leaders and LeTourneau staff.

Derek Ballard
Discipleship Coordinator
Derek is passionate about transformational discipleship. To Derek, this means that becoming a disciple of Christ entails that we follow Him, and are gradually transformed in a greater likeness to Christ. Through this process of transformation, by the power of the Holy Spirit, in which we follow Jesus as our Lord and Savior, is THE WAY to experience life as God intended it. Derek seeks to train up disciples into godly young men and women who are equipped and ready to serve the Lord in whatever service God may call them to, bearing the image of Christ wherever they go, and making more disciples along the way. It is through this process of transformational discipleship that we build up the kingdom of God for His glory and for the joy of His people! Currently, Derek is pursuing his Master of Divinity from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and he is excited to see where God will lead in the coming years, and to see God work in and through the lives of His disciples!
Phone: 585-554-3400
Email: dballard@letcc.org