For the past two years, Joy Community Church of Rochester has partnered with LeTourneau Christian Center to bring inner-city youth and teens to the lake for a time to get with God and get real with one another. Youth pastor Cuevas Walker has invited these teens to come to camp, courtesy of sponsored stays arranged through Joy Community and LeTourneau. Last year, approximately 80 teens were able to have two free days of meals and lodging and in 2014, another 65 teens had four free overnights and meals at Joy Community’s youth camp in July. Here is what Pastor Cuevas had to say about the impact this year’s time at LeTourneau made in the lives of these young people:

Once again God did not let anyone get away with being disrespectful. He made our ears bigger and eyes wider. We had our obstacle course—the kids had a blast! We also did a music video with all the kids in it. The [LeTourneau] staff was very helpful, and some of the older kids desire to work at LeTourneau for a summer. God willing, Camp will be available for us next year. It’s a great experience for everyone involved.” — Cuevas Walker, Joy Community Church, Rochester.
In a thrilling “P.S.” to this story, Pastor Cuevas also welcomed a special guest at the 2014 youth camp – Pastor Keith Barreto, who discipled him in 2006 and had encouraged Cuevas of his potential to serve as a youth pastor. Pastor Keith also spoke to the youth attending camp that week, and Cuevas shared this photo of the meet-up with a faithful friend. As Cuevas likes to say, sometimes you just gotta give God a “HOLLA!” for the blessings He gives.
What about you? How did God work in your life during your time at LeTourneau? What special truth(s) did He teach you? Did you meet someone God used to play a key role in your life or faith? Do you have a special memory (or old photo, perhaps) you’d like to share of a time you spent at Camp?
If you are willing for God’s Light to shine through your words to impact others, we invite you to share a brief post (or even a photo) through our contact form. As we receive stories of the ways God used LeTourneau’s ministry in your life, we will share them here and on our Facebook page. #ShineBright!