How LeTourneau’s Ministry IMPACTS the Kingdom
How LeTourneau’s Ministry IMPACTS the Kingdom
Our Mission
In ALL we do, our hope is to use every resource God has blessed this ministry with, to IMPACT lives and build up the Kingdom of God for His glory and the joy of His people!
Host Ministry
Our Host ministry to Churches and Christian organizations is year round. We serve guests from Rochester to Buffalo and across the region. Our desire is to do our part to help groups grow with one another and in their walks with the Lord. We provide a clean and attractive environment, great service, delicious food, and an atmosphere conducive to spiritual rest and renewal. We see ourselves as partners in each of our groups ministry. We pray for every group, their leaders, and participants that God’s Word would work in hearts, the Holy Spirit would draw many to the Father, and lives would be surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Event Ministry
We have many LeTourneau IMPACT events throughout the year. Led by our Program Director, Jason Dailey the events that are hosted here at LeTourneau are aimed at encouraging and strengthening believers, as well as spreading the Gospel. Events include a children’s summer day camp program, a quarterly Connections Live date night for our Couples ministry, the Blessed Hope Ladies ministry, numerous banquets and special events, and more. Our hope is add to these other relevant and helpful events throughout the 2020 year for believers to grow and learn.
THE WAY Summer Youth Program
THE WAY program is designed to be a rich discipleship and ministry program for students ages 14 and up. The goal of this program is to establish youth and young adults in their faith, to build up their trust in the Word, and to see them sold out to the Lord for the spread of the Gospel. Every student will have daily opportunities to be led into a deeper relationship with the Lord. Students will participate in personal and corporate devotions, regular worship, concentrated studies, personal accountability, and constant interaction with mentors (we have designated leaders for guys and girls). Students will also find their fellow students to be a great source of joy and encouragement, as well as potential lifelong Christian friends. Even more, students will have a chance to gain some expertise in many camp jobs and earn an invaluable Christian work ethic.
THE WAY School of Discipleship
LeTCC has developed a young adults School of Discipleship as part of THE WAY ministry. The school was established September of 2016. Young adults are offered the opportunity to join a yearlong ministry. Students receive Bible college level training and experience Christian ministry firsthand; spots are limited. Housing and meals are provided, as well as a small stipend.
We desire to maximize our potential to fulfill our mission. As the Lord provides volunteers, staff, financial partners, guests, and other blessings, we hope to expand our IMPACT on the Kingdom.
If you would like to walk with us in ministry in some way, please contact us to start seeing how God might use you to build His Kingdom with us.